How to Use Group Go-To
It’s easy to create your customized Group Schedule.
- Setup a new account with your email and a password on the URL supplied by your church.
- Choose your group type. Married, Men or Women
- Select NEW GROUP if you are starting a NEW group or CONTINUING if you are an on-going group.
- Select the time you want your weekly group meetings to start.
- Select the date you want your meetings to start.
- You’ll have the option to pick Recommended Studies.
- Or you can hand pick selections from each of the main category areas of RELATIONAL, SPIRITUAL and PRACTICAL
- Click Options, to get details on the studies and Select what you want to use.
- After you make a selection you have the option to add a Break, Social, Service or Group Check-In.
- Work your way through customizing your schedule by clicking the icons at the bottom of the app.
- You can also add Essentials at any point by clicking the ESSENTIALS icon at the bottom.
- You can move your study choices up and down the timeline, delete them or swap them for other choices.
- Once you are all set, click the SAVE & SHARE icon in the lower right corner.
- You now have a number of sharing options. Email a link, PDF, ICS calendar file.
- When you are all done you can log out and return later to generate more group schedules.